The Rollcoder is a reliable and efficient mechanical contact coding device that provides a high-quality print at very low cost.
The Rollcoder provides printing on virtually every background and in every position, in various colours.
The Rollcoder has two main components: a text toll and the inking system. Rubber texts and/or logos can easily be attached to the text roll.
A print is made during the rotating contact that the text roll has with the background to be printed on. The Rollcoder automatically moves the text roll to the correct position for the next inking and printing action.
- Data can be printed during the production process.
- This results in smaller pre-printed stocks.
- Changing the text can be done quickly and easily.
- For texts that are repeated, an extra exchange text roll saves even more time.
- Flexibility thanks to impregnated ink rolls and a refillable ink system with an ink pump.
- Adjustable starting point makes precise print positioning possible on every object.
- Suitable for use in dusty areas thanks to the closed inking system.
- Eminently suitable for use in industrial environments because of its design and the use of corrosion-free materials.
Rollcoder 25/140 Type 25/140 is a standard Rollcoder, with a text height of a maximum of 23 mm Rollcoder 55/140 Type 55/140 is a standard Rollcoder, with a text height of a maximum of 53 mm Rollcoder 100/140 Kortho Rollcoder 100/140 is a standard Rollcoder, with a text height of a maximum of 98 mm